Sprocketts by the Bay

Sprockett family adventures as California residents

Camping at Yosemite

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Since moving to California, Dan and I have talked about going camping in Yosemite. After finally figuring out the reservation system and we tried (unsuccessfully) a few times to get a campsite during the summer months when, if you’re not on your computer at 12:01 am when the sites open up you won’t get a place…and even then it’s dicey. So we put camping at Yosemite on our “to-do-when-we-have-more-mental-capacity-to-figure-out-dates” list.

And then I casually mentioned in an email to my brother and sister-in-law our desire to go camping this summer, who casually went to their computer to check out what the options might be, and found a mid-October weekend that was available. In the Yosemite Valley, October is that time when campfires feel especially wonderful, you wear a stocking cap in the morning while you’re eating breakfast, but you don’t need a jacket by the afternoon. In other words, really great weather for camping. Not more than a few hours later my brother had emailed back saying, “Guess what? We’re going camping…in Yosemite.” Talk about excellent timing and a fun surprise!

We loaded up our cars with gear and did all the traditional camping activities: campfires and storytelling, s’mores, cooking over a tiny camp stove, cooking over the fire, and hiking among these stunning mountains. Thank you, Teddy Roosevelt, for your foresight to preserve so many spaces as national parks.

Dan suggested I label these photos, “Majestic vista,” “Majestic vista,” “Photo of a tree,” “Majestic vista”… But I’ll just let the pictures speak for our trip.


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