Sprocketts by the Bay

Sprockett family adventures as California residents

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Dan gave me tickets to see Hamilton in San Francisco for Christmas, for a show in mid-July. He also gave me the cast soundtrack, so we’ve learned the words and now sing parts of the songs back and forth to each other or play different roles while belting it out in the car together.


Needless to say, my expectations have been building for the last six and a half months as friends saw the show and raved or I read bits and pieces online or caught interviews about the show or read the Hamilton biography (Ron Chernow) on which the musical is based. Until today: show time! The easiest way to explain what it’s like to see Hamilton performed is to point you to the thesaurus entry for phenomenal. The simple set with rotating stage, minimal stage dressings, and neutral costuming for the company laid the base for the outstanding and unique interpretations of the characters through the actors’ remarkable voices. My favorites in this performance were, unsurprisingly Hamilton [Michael Luwoye] and Jefferson [Jordan Donica], and perhaps surprisingly, Laurens/Philip [Rubén J. Carbajal], although as I look over the cast list I can’t help but admire Eliza [Solea Pfeiffer] and Angelica [Raven Thomas] – especially their harmonies – and Burr [Joshua Henry] for his range in both acting and voice. And of course, the hilarious King George [Rory O’Malley] who shows up in unexpected places during the play…such as reading the Reynold’s Pamphlet.

I’ve loved “The Farmer Refuted” from the beginning, especially Hamilton’s fugue (music teachers and composers, correct me if that’s the wrong term). But seeing it acted out, with Samuel Seabury on his soapbox desperately reading his statement while trying to ignore the heckles and Hamilton crawling onto the soapbox to get his attention (to be later escorted off by Burr) made me love it even more.

The choreography and lighting all built the excitement, tension, or humor of the music and could be studied in theater classes to demonstrate how to use movement and light to maximize story impact.

And both Dan and I agreed that we wanted the “walking out of the theater” music the orchestra played on CD: it was a fun meshing of the melodies heard throughout the play and had such an upbeat energy. Can I request that as a special release on iTunes?

But what I found perhaps most impressive is that after the show, the cast came out to the street to meet the audience. I found this, after performing wholeheartedly for 3 hours – which is, no doubt, exhausting – to be such an incredibly kind and generous acts from these famed performers. The cast members were greeted with a cheer as each new person walked out to sign autographs, take selfies, converse, and genuinely share a bit of their time and themselves with each of us. That will stick with me going forward and make me only more likely to recommend the entire experience of going to Hamilton.

This show surpassed everything I’d heard about it and I can say that I can’t wait to see it again, even thought I know that’s probably a few years down the road. And I must say, Dan did an outstanding job on Christmas 2016!

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First trips to Africa: Morocco & Ethiopia

This fall I had my first opportunities to travel to my 5th continent, Africa, to present work my nonprofit is leading. But this post is about the fun stuff I got to do around the work stuff while in Morocco (September) and Ethiopia (November).

I first arrived to Casablanca, Morocco. With about 22 hours to spend in the city, my time was limited to eating delicious food and visiting the Hassan II Mosque. The Mosque is the largest in Morocco, holding 105,000 people for worship (25,000 inside and 80,000 outside), and the 13th largest in the world.


I can’t say I loved my visit to Casablanca, but it did remind me, as a public health professional, why road traffic accidents are so high on the global burden of disease. (So I guess that’s good?) I still laugh about getting into one taxi and, by force of habit, reaching for the seatbelt. The driver didn’t speak English and my French doesn’t extend beyond a few basic “getting around” and “eating” words, but he turned to me, shook his finger, and said, “No.” At first I’d thought he was telling me he wouldn’t take me to the destination I’d named. But he was happy to take me there, he just wasn’t going to do it if I insisted on putting on my seatbelt.

Arriving in Rabat was a welcome shift. The taxis were newer, cleaner, and used meters. The streets were wide and multiple times I saw workers out sweeping trash. There were even well-maintained sidewalks. It was a city I felt perfectly comfortable walking around in, even the time I walked myself well out of the way of my destination.

While in Rabat I visited the ruins of the medieval town, Chellah, Mohammed V’s tomb, the Hassan Tower, and the Medina Market.

The most frustrating part about my time in Morocco was that the government had limited the use of VoIP services, meaning Skype, WhatsApp and Google Hangouts were not an option for communication. That serves a bit of a problem when you’re both trying to keep in touch with work and your husband. But the amazing food helped ease some of that annoyance.

About two months later I headed off again for work, this time to Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. I had a chance to shop for the silver jewelry they’re famous for in Addis (and, if my finances had matched my desire, would have brought home a suitcase full). I also visited the underwhelming National Museum of Ethiopia, which houses the incredibly impressive remains of “Lucy.” Lucy, a famous early human ancestor, was a tree-dwelling australopithecine who lived ~3.2 million years ago.


I was thrilled to visit these two very different countries (plus, you know, the whole point of accomplishing productive work outcomes there, too) and look forward to continuing to explore this amazing world we live in. I just hope Dan can come with me next time!

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Los Angeles

We’d been planning a birthday trip to Los Angeles for about six months. No concern to us that the only time we could travel there to celebrate my birthday was 3 months after the actual date (who doesn’t like to be celebrated and wear the birthday crown a little longer?). So November was the plan, heading down for a quick weekend on the Saturday and Sunday before Thanksgiving.

As we started to plan, we learned that our Portland family was also heading to LA for the week of Thanksgiving, so we had to plan a surprise “run in” on the Santa Monica Pier. Dan’s sister was in on the scheme, but her kids were horrified when she walked up to a “cute guy” on the pier and started talking to him. In hindsight, we probably shouldn’t have been facing away such that we could see them approaching but they only saw our backs, but we found the approach creative and hilarious.


We were so happy to spend the afternoon and evening with our family — talk about a bonus to your birthday weekend!

The next day was a rainy LA day (a rarity, but we happened to hit it just right) so we opted for indoor activities, starting with a tour of the Warner Brothers’ Studio in Burbank where favorites like Gilmore Girls, Friends, The Big Bang Theory, and many others are filmed. The tour took you through sets (indoor and outdoor), costumes, the prop house, and the WB Museum. At the museum we got to see the Central Perk set, learn how the forced perspective shooting was done in the Hobbit, make our own Harry Potter green screen action, hold an actual Oscar, see well-known props used in movies and TV, and learn more about filmmaking magic. I’d definitely recommend the tour for older teens and adults.


With the rain, we opted to visit the Getty Museum after our WB tour. We enjoyed the audio tours provided at the museum before sitting down for a free drawing class, at which Dan excelled and Andrea, well…we all have different talents.



One weekend in LA is not nearly enough time to see everything we want to (eventually) see, but we knew that in our planning. Now I’m eager to plan another trip down to SoCal, getting more time in Los Angeles and maybe sneak in a trip to the San Diego beaches.

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Camping at Yosemite

Since moving to California, Dan and I have talked about going camping in Yosemite. After finally figuring out the reservation system and we tried (unsuccessfully) a few times to get a campsite during the summer months when, if you’re not on your computer at 12:01 am when the sites open up you won’t get a place…and even then it’s dicey. So we put camping at Yosemite on our “to-do-when-we-have-more-mental-capacity-to-figure-out-dates” list.

And then I casually mentioned in an email to my brother and sister-in-law our desire to go camping this summer, who casually went to their computer to check out what the options might be, and found a mid-October weekend that was available. In the Yosemite Valley, October is that time when campfires feel especially wonderful, you wear a stocking cap in the morning while you’re eating breakfast, but you don’t need a jacket by the afternoon. In other words, really great weather for camping. Not more than a few hours later my brother had emailed back saying, “Guess what? We’re going camping…in Yosemite.” Talk about excellent timing and a fun surprise!

We loaded up our cars with gear and did all the traditional camping activities: campfires and storytelling, s’mores, cooking over a tiny camp stove, cooking over the fire, and hiking among these stunning mountains. Thank you, Teddy Roosevelt, for your foresight to preserve so many spaces as national parks.

Dan suggested I label these photos, “Majestic vista,” “Majestic vista,” “Photo of a tree,” “Majestic vista”… But I’ll just let the pictures speak for our trip.


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Celebrating Six Years in Seattle (and Portland)

Dan and I have been making an effort this year to take advantage of our West Coast location to explore the places in our “neighborhood.” (It’s a rather large neighborhood that extends from SoCal into Canada and east toward Colorado…) This year, we decided to take the short flight up to Seattle to celebrate our sixth anniversary.

We started with lunch at a funky, eclectic, utterly Seattle and utterly delicious restaurant, Cyclops, in Belltown. We appreciated the insider suggestion from Dan’s good friend from high school, Paul, and his wife, Carissa, who now live in Seattle and met us for lunch and a little exploring.

We took another tour through Pike Place Market after a stop at Fran’s Chocolates, recommended to us by Nick and Laura who visited during one of their Seattle trips. We then wandered around until we found an upscale, newly opened Thai restaurant for a very enjoyable dinner with gelato on the way back to our downtown hotel.

On Sunday, our actual anniversary, we packed in the fun starting with an underground tour of Seattle from the time when Seattle was at beach level before it was flooded and slowly built back up. Basically, when the city flooded (along with its sewage), the time it was going to take at least seven years to build up the ground level and rebuild all the buildings. Store owners couldn’t wait — seven years of no profit just wasn’t an option. So they rebuilt at beach level and used ladders to get from the new street level down to the stores during the process of raising the ground level above flood levels. Eventually, there was an entire city built below ground level that can now be toured. It was a great way to start a lightly rainy, grey, chilly, Seattle Sunday.

Seattle Space Needle.

Seattle Space Needle.

We then trekked over to the Seattle Center to gaze at the Space Needle and tour the impressive Chihuly Museum. (After a first nerdy stop to gaze at the Gates Foundation.) Each new room in the museum earns a gasp because the displays are stunning. The Museum ends with a tour of the garden, structured by color to meld with nature.

Chihuly Museum.

I’d highly recommend the museum to any tourists, although there’s lots more to visit such as going up the Space Needle or the EMP Museum.

It was then nap time (vacation!) before getting dolled up for some of the best salmon we’ve ever had at Etta restaurant near Pike Place Market to celebrate six years of marriage.


I am so happy to be able to continue to choose to love this man, and to have him continue to choose to love me. I’m thankful for our time to grow together and to build a stronger relationship. I continue to be impressed by this handsome, charming, ridiculously intelligent and hard-working, kind man that I get to be married to. It’s amazing to learn that even when you love someone with all your heart, you can be surprised to find that love getting bigger and bigger. Happy anniversary to my best friend!


On Memorial Day Monday we took a Greyhound bus from Seattle to Portland to visit our Portland family. We visited the Bonneville Dam Fish Ladders to see the salmon running before holiday battling traffic to Multnomah Falls.


We stayed an extra day and the kids tried unsuccessfully to convince their parents to let them skip school to hang out with Uncle Dan and Aunt Andrea. While they were in class, we hiked ~7 miles from Pittock Mansion to the Japanese Rose Garden, and back. We kept a fast (read: please stop to let us breathe!) pace thanks to our hike leader and friend, Jeff.  The garden is expansive, and I never knew that each different rose would smell so differently. (That’s what you learn when you literally stop to smell the roses.) I’m so glad we got to visit the mansion with it’s view of Mount Hood and the rose garden, and hope to have a chance to return to the garden with a picnic lunch.

After school we got a few more hours together before heading to the airport and taking the short flight home. What a great way to celebrate six years of marriage!

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N+L Get Married

This May, Dan and I were joyous to celebrate the wedding of my favorite brother, Nick, and his stunning, genuine, talented financee, Laura. We had the pleasure of watching their relationship blossom and grow, loving the two of them individually and together more each day. So when they decided to get married, we were honored to be asked to be part of their celebrations: Dan as the officiant and me as the best woman.

Nick and Laura wrote their own ceremony, with all the heart and music you can put into words, holding the marriage ceremony with a small group of family and friends in the misty redwoods at Joaquin Miller Park in Oakland. We had to practice for weeks in advance with Dan reading and ceremony while I listened so that we wouldn’t both break into uncontrollable weeping at the beautiful images and promises this ceremony created. Although, let’s be honest, when they each read their personal vows and commitments to each other, I was lost.

“The marriage ceremony has been an important event across nearly every culture, religion, and generation. Thousands of important moments happen throughout our lives, and this one moment is so meaningful, that we acknowledge it by sharing it with the very people who taught us how to love.”

— written by Laura Wasserman and Nick Loomis

The happy couple! Photo credit: Forty-Third Ave. Photography (http://www.43rdphoto.com)

The happy couple!
Photo credit: Forty-Third Ave. Photography (http://www.43rdphoto.com)

After the ceremony, they hosted a family-style Italian dinner and drinks where we celebrated, signed the marriage license, and toasted!

The next day they held a reception in the peaceful and unique Piedmont Community Center venue. They had a small re-ceremony (with a twist on vows, but still a “hell yes” to getting married), dinner, photos, drinks, toasts, and dancing. This ceremony reflected Nick and Laura so well, and was so much fun to be part of!

Ceremony and reception at the Piedmont Community Center.

Ceremony and reception at the Piedmont Community Center.

Family photos with this good looking group! Photo credit: Forty-Third Ave. Photography (http://www.43rdphoto.com)

Family photos with this good looking group!
Photo credit: Forty-Third Ave. Photography (http://www.43rdphoto.com)

Truly, Oakland missed a promotion opportunity with this couple, who planned a local wedding and reception complete with a food truck from the first food truck they went to in San Francisco, Das Bus photo booth (a VW van turned photo booth), cake from a local vendor AND ice cream sandwiches from a local vendor, with an Oakland-based photographer, and local beers and wines.


Six years later, we're still just as fun. Jazz hands! Photo credit: Forty-Third Ave. Photography (http://www.43rdphoto.com) and Hot Metal Studio (http://www.hotmetalstudio.com)

Six years later, we’re still just as fun. Jazz hands!
Photo credit: Forty-Third Ave. Photography (http://www.43rdphoto.com) and Hot Metal Studio (http://www.hotmetalstudio.com)

The next day (because planning two packed days of events isn’t quite enough?!), these two newlyweds had arranged a Mother’s Day Brunch in Jack London Square at Il Pescatore, followed by a hike overlooking Oakland and San Francisco in Sibley Volcanic National Park.

The group hiking at Sibley in the lovely Oakland sun.

The group hiking at Sibley in the lovely Oakland sun.

If you ever need someone to plan your Oakland-based event or write a marriage ceremony that will move you to tears, call on these two! It was a weekend of joy, family, friends, and love.

We are thrilled to officially welcome Laura as a sister-in-love to this crazy family, and to extend our family through Laura’s cheerful, Wasser-cheering fam! We love you, Nick and Laura!

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How We Became the Jonasson Family On Our Trip to Sweden

This year, I was fortunate to have my job support my attendance at the International Patient Safety and Quality conference in Gothenburg, Sweden to present a poster on our work around family planning quality and really, to learn and think toward future projects. Many pieces fell into the right place, allowing Dan and I to achieve a goal we’ve been working toward for nearly six years come together: to see where my Swedish family is from, and to be able to share that with my mother.

With me heading to Sweden for the April conference, we started poking around to learn more about my family heritage. When we found out that the town my family is from was only an hour and a half from Gothenburg, that sealed it. Now was the best time we were going to have to be able to explore this part of Sweden, combining my work trip with flight miles and years of saving and planning to be able to travel there with my mom and share this family heritage experience.

We weren’t sure how Mom would react to this wacky proposal. “Hey Mom. I’m going to Sweden for a conference. We’d like to go with you to find where the family is from. Are you interested?” It took her no time at all to commit and jump in whole heartedly to the necessary research that made the family heritage part possible. So the division of labor quickly became me on logistics, Mom on family history research, and Dan on academic studies. (Dude, he’s a PhD student, that’s his all the time job!)

We scheduled Mom and Dan to arrive (separately) on the last day of my conference. Having already navigated the public transportation from the airport to my hotel and conference center, I sent instructions in advance. Dan made it. Mom got a tour of all of Gothenburg, seeing more of the city in her few hours of being lost than I did after being there for nearly a week. In her style, she met a number of kind Swedes and fellow travelers who helped her navigate back to my conference center. She arrived a few hours late, but surprisingly together. (I would have been an lovely combination of angry/anxious after getting lost in a new city, not being able to find the person I was supposed to connect with, and not being able to call or email or text. And yes, we both were using international phones, but you’ve got to also have the correct phone numbers, which was our barrier to connecting! But Mom? She made it, arriving dressed up like a conference participant and owning her adventure.)

That evening, Mom and I had dinner at the Stagedoor, apparently the “happening” place in the area (Mom’s pick – she knows what’s what) and waited for Dan to arrive and the official exploring to begin on the next day.


Official Exploring Day 1

We started the day by moving to a hotel in the heart of Gothenburg, chosen partly for its convenient location and partly for the amazing breakfast spread featured on the hotel website, then set off to see the city.

We started at the Fish Church, where Mom was able to answer the burning question, “Do Swedes actually eat lutefisk?” For those unexposed to this delicacy, count yourselves lucky. It has been prepared at our Christmas dinners a few times, and threatened countless other times. When we talked to a fish monger who was about Mom’s age, he turned up his nose, grimaced and said, “No. No Swedes like that.” Explaining that his parents generation had enjoyed the fish, but no one younger likes this highly salty, soaked in lye for days, reconstituted fish. Mystery solved and lutefisk permanently (I hope) removed from the Christmas dinner menu.


After the Fish Church, we strolled the city, coming upon a fabric store. One of the few requests Mom made on this trip was to find some Swedish fabric to take home to be able to sew with. And here it was, with the kindest staff inside. Check that request off the list!

We toured through a little indoor market, finding tekaka bread (another kakabrod is a Christmas staple at our house) then spontaneously opted for a Paddan Boat tour.


Mom is very happy to have found authentic kaka brod.

Sure it was a bit chilly, but it was a highly entertaining trip through the canals around Gothenburg and an overview of the main sites and a bit of the history. I would definitely recommend this to other Gothenburg visitors.


By this time we were all ready for lunch, and what’s better on your first full day in Sweden than meatballs and fish? Yum!


We both opted for the meatballs, Mom went for the fish.

After an afternoon break, dinner (which we managed to get to between bouts of heavy rain) and where we kept warm under heaters and blankets, it was time to call Day 1 a success and get some sleep.


Official Exploring Day 2

With another day in Gothenburg, we set off for the Botanical Gardens (a bit early to see too many flowers in mid April) and I bee-lined for the Tropical Palm Greenhouse, where we peacefully (and warmly) wandered among the exotic plants.


Tropical plant house at the botaniska trädgård.

From the gardens we strolled along the canal in what was once the original suburbs of Gothenburg toward the Haga district. The suburbs really just mean outside the original seven meter city wall. Why seven meters? To protect the city from the Danes who were just across the water and an enemy of the Swedes. The story goes that the wall only needed to be seven meters tall because the highest mountain in Denmark was six meters tall and those “stupid Danes” wouldn’t be able to scale something higher than six meters. Most of the wall is gone now that peace has long-since descended, but there are a few places in the city where you can see the old, less than intimidatingly high, wall.

The Haga sort of creeps up on you. It looks like houses, businesses, normal city streets until you turn your head and see the flags and cobblestone street that beckons you to come explore its shops and restaurants. By the time we made it to the Haga on this chilly day of exploring, it was time to find a fika (Swedish coffee break) and chance to warm up. Seeing the biggest cinnamon rolls I’ve ever seen, we opted for a little bakery/coffee shop and tried a variety of its treats.


Each of these rolls is the size of a dinner plate. That is no exaggeration!

The Haga is known for its Haga cinnamon rolls: the giant cinnamon buns we saw in the window made with cinnamon and cardamon and the sweetest, softest bread. We also tried strawberry rhubarb crumble pie with sweet cream, something like the Swedish Toffee Bars Mom makes at Christmas (but with peanut butter), and a giant flaky cookie that rivaled the cinnamon role in size. And yes, finished it all.

With another afternoon break (we know how to do vacation!) and dinner in our bellies, we called it a day to prepare for the start of the big adventure the next day: renting a car and heading “out to the country.”


Official Exploring Day 3

This day marked the start of heading away from the city and into the country, and to where our family was from. We rented a car from a location near the Central Train Station in Gothenburg, loaded our luggage into the tiny boot, and headed out toward Mellerud in our bright blue Fiat. Mellerud is the closest “town” to the Grinstad parish where our family lived. It’s a sweet little post with a tourist information center (but not many tourists to speak of in April), a bookstore, and a handful of restaurants.

We chose to have lunch at the Mellerud Hotel, the same one I had looked for in vain to book a room, but had been unable to locate on the internet. This wasn’t really a surprise, though, given the size of the town. The Hotel served a buffet lunch and the best goulasch soup ever. Yep, I’m going for the definite ever. We ate among the silver-haired lunch crowd before poking around the town and opting to “make a go of it” and see if we could find Grinstad parish by looking for the name of the parish on the map and using Mom’s memory of a photo she’d seen of the church. Adventure!

The first landmark we found was Lake Varnan, the largest lake in Sweden. But its real importance to us was that this was the lake where my great-great-grandfather was a ship captain and where my great-grandfather told stories about running down the the lighthouse to wave to his father on the ship. Sweden has a law that the land is open to all, so you can camp or walk across any land (with minor restrictions and the expectation that you’ll show respect), which allowed us to tramp across various properties as we explored the lake and scouted to see if we could find the lighthouse. It’s a big lake, so we did not.


Mom putting her hand in Lake Varnon.

Back in the car, we headed the opposite way on the road along the Grinstad arrows until Mom spotted the church from the family photo.


We pulled over to explore and see, just see, what we might find. The church was locked, but that no matter, since we had an appointment made through the Mellerud Historical Museum for the next day when we would return with guides. We began to wander through the gravestones to see if we might be able to find one from a family member, but the process was more difficult than expected. Remembering the list of plots at the entry, I ran back to see if there was some sort of system to follow and found 4-36 associated with Cajasa (pronounced Kai-sa, which was a revelation!) and Sven Emanuelsson’s grave (my great-great-grandparents). Finding no map, but some of the graves marked with little green tags, I was able to follow the pattern until: I found it!


The back of the stone reads, “The grave’s embrace will unite you again and give you everlasting peace.”

Finding the grave was a more emotional experience than any of us had realized. Here was proof of their lives, the people that had to exist and live as they had to allow me to be here now. It was a very moving connection to the people who are my roots.

So how do you follow-up such a tangible connection to your history? By checking in to a small town hostel in Bralanda and having dinner at Kebab Pizza where we feared the shop owner wouldn’t let us go because he so much enjoyed having English speakers in the restaurant. We managed to eventually get our check and steal away to get ready for “the big day” with our Swedish guides.


Official Exploring Day 4

Mom was a rockstar with her research in preparation for this trip. She had spent hours on ancestry.com, called relatives in the states, found old newspaper articles, took photos of family heirlooms, and put together a wealth of information about family trees and a long list of questions to try to answer. But her best find was Annali, a remarkable genealogist at the Mellerud Historical Museum who went back through the primary source documents (now digitized) and helped construct a fuller picture of the two lines of our family that came from the area. Sweden has impressive records kept by the local parish ministers of family records, jobs, and immigration status that makes this type of research possible.

After reviewing documents Mom had brought to explain things like the traditional Swedish wedding scarf (of which we own a quarter), to interpret a cross-stitch (that had initials and birthdates of family members), to read, and interpret, an old Swedish prayer for us, and to explain about the mischievous tomtes we heard stories of growing up. We also confirmed that kaka is the word for bread a round bread in the Grinstad area, and that it traditionally, and still is, prepared with butter and cheese (although they may add other toppings like ham). Annali then made sure to give us a tour of the Mellerud Museum. Although a bit creepy with the mannequins with wigs, it gave us a good picture into how people lived over the years in the area.


Annali and Borje explaining Swedish traditions.

Annali had also organized to have Borje, a classy, active, and smiley 70+ year-old gentleman who had grown up in the area and was also a member of the historical society, join us for the tour. He knew the area well and he could help us find places based on descriptions found in family memoirs and passed down through stories, even without addresses. We started at the Grinstad church, where we had an appointment to allow us to actually enter the church and see the place where our family members worshipped, were baptized, confirmed, married, and buried. The church, itself, was built in 1250 and the baptismal font was made in the 1300s. The church is so old it has a labyrinth painted on the wall that the church is working to restore.

After imagining what it must have been like to come to this church week after week, we ventured back outside to visit the Emmanuelsson grave. And it turns out we found it just in time! It had been green tagged. Because there is limited space in the cemetery, old gravestones are taken down and the bones moved elsewhere at the church property, if there is no one to claim or care for them. So by total chance of timing, we were able to claim and save the stone and this part of our history!

Then, with Borje’s help, we followed unmarked roads to the house where Christine Andersdotter (later Hamlow) was born and lived, on a farm called Langerud, as well as the farm next door where her mother Kajasa Andreasdotter (my great-great-great grandmother) was born and lived, on a farm called Hultet. Continuing down the road, we came upon land where cousins had lived across the street from Carl Albin Svenson (my great-grandfather who immigrated to the US).

And then, all due to Borje, we followed the road a bit farther to…the lighthouse, just as my mother remembers her Grandfather Charles (Carl Albin) telling her stories about.


After this morning full of history, with several other family stories that I’ll still need Mom to help me sort through to get straight, we visited another buffet lunch (I tell you, the Swedes know how to do it) right on Lake Varnon before returning to the historical museum for additional genealogical research. The ancestry.com research had indicated a possible twin on one side of the family, that Anders Johan (AJ) Hamlow (the immigrant who had come to Leadville, Colorado in 1869 and then on to Nebraska where he founded the Waverly family farm with his young wife, Christine Andersdotter), had a twin.

None of us had ever heard of this twin, so Annali helped us trace back over the minister’s records to try to find this supposed brother. In tracking from the beginning, the “twin” didn’t show up on the family register until age 20 for the “twin” and AJ. We suspect that the “twin” was either a minister error or someone who was temporarily staying with the family. In tracing the “twin,” we learned that AJ’s family was very poor, living as tenant farmers. AJ worked as a farm hand on various farms, but by 1866 found himself unemployed and moved to Hultet for work, which is likely where he met Christine. This got us to wondering about how AJ and Christine “got together,” since Christine came from a well-to-do landowning family, and AJ was extremely poor.

We constructed the story (and I’m sticking to it!) that AJ and Christine fell in love in Grinstad parish, but weren’t allowed to marry because it wouldn’t have been good for Christine’s family/social mobility to marry someone so poor. So instead, AJ immigrated to the US and Christine followed (without papers to immigrate, only to visit!). AJ and Christine were married a two weeks after Christine arrived in the US, and they both became US citizens when AJ later applied for naturalization.

But there was a funny thing in tracing AJ and his “twin.” Sweden has a very clear pattern of passing down last names, naming the daughter (dotter) or son after the father. So Christine’s dad was Anders, making her Christine Andersdotter. Carl Albin’s dad was Sven, making him Carl Albin Svenson. Yet AJ’s dad was Jonas and his last name was Hammerlof (Hamlow). According to Annali, the Hamlow’s in the area were known for being strong, strapping men. Sounds nice, but didn’t fit AJ’s description. In digging into the records, we learned that AJ was actually Anders Johan Jonasson (or, as Annali translated, Johnson). Somewhere after leaving Sweden he changed his last name, and even seems to have been naturalized in the US as Hamlow. Mom’s new research project is to figure out when he changed his name, and why? Was it to start over in a new country? To get away from the name associated with poverty? Did he just like the last name? So the Hamlow Family Clan is such, but really only in the US. Perhaps we are better known as the Johnson Family Clan!

We also learned that AJ’s sister, Wilhemina (“Minnie”) immigrated to Waverly in 1872 with a work permit, meaning she had permission to be there to work, but not to stay permanently. Consequently, she still shows up in the Grinstad church records as “living at home” because, technically, she was only away for a bit for work. Eleven years later, AJ and Minnie’s brother, August, immigrated with official papers, bringing with him the official immigration papers for Minnie who was also “immigrating with him” that year. This paperwork may have been especially necessary to allow Minnie to get married in the US, since the paperwork showed that she a) had permission to be there and b) wasn’t married in Sweden.

After a satisfying day of family history, it was time to continue on our Swedish journey. We arrived at Fjallbacka, about an hour and a half west of Mellerud, arriving in late afternoon with the most beautiful sun falling on the colorful town.


Fjallbacka with the most beautiful light!

Because we were traveling on off-tourist season, the hotel upgraded our rooms, giving mom the double bath bathroom and Dan and me a jacuzzi bath. Not too bad.


Nope, you’re not seeing double. Or rather, you are, but that’s correct…

We ate a picnic dinner along the water, then regrouped at the hotel to review our notes and what we’d learned that day. And we continued to be grateful for all the research Mom did in preparation, and will continue to follow up on to help us put together this beautiful picture of our family.


Official Exploring Day 5

The next morning, Dan and I got up early to hike through the ravine to the top of the rocks overlooking Fjallbacka leaving mom to luxuriate in her two tubs.

After breakfast, we drove on to our next stop along the Western Coast in Sweden to Marstrand, a small municipality that has been a town since 1200! The town is overlooked by the massive 17th-century fortress, Carlsten, that has served as both a fortress and a prison.


We took the ferry across the short channel to explore the fortress and to sit, peacefully, at the top of the hill overlooking one of the ice-free port.

It’s hard to believe how quickly the time passed in Sweden, and how fulfilling it was to be able to peer into this part of our family history and to imagine what their lives might have been like. The best part was being able to share this with my mom, and to have these stories to be able to pass down to future generations.

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Monterey, California

Dan and I were feeling like we needed a little getaway and time to disconnect from the world and reconnect to each other, so we planned a weekend trip to Monterey, CA. We had both been there independently, but this would be our first visit together. We drove down on Saturday morning, giving our new car it’s first road trip. Our first stop was a visit to the Monterey Bay Aquarium.

In translation graduate school, my very first ever translation assignment was to fix a poor translation of materials done for the Monterey Bay Aquarium, so that sticks in my head in association with the aquarium. (Believe me, the lesson also stuck: hire translators who know what they’re doing and make sure to do it right the first time.) But that’s really about all I’ve known about it before going.

I can’t say I’ve ever been a big fan of aquariums, but the Monterey Bay Aquarium is really something different and a place I look forward to visiting again. Beyond its enormous size and impressive diversity of sea life, it found the right balance of information communication. There were little tidbits at each exhibit, enough to read and learn a few facts, but not so overwhelming that you felt like you needed to spend the entire day reading. Plus, they have a variety of short presentations in the auditorium that combine features of a mini academic lecture with video for when you need a little sit-down break and a chance to do a “deep dive” on a topic.

Jellyfish at the aquarium. Who knew there were so many different types of jellyfish?!

So many different types of jellyfish at the aquarium! They were so peaceful to watch as they floated through the water. The one of the far left is called an egg yolk jelly – the name fits, huh?

The picture in the bottom middle is an octopus playing with a purple toy.

The picture in the bottom middle is an octopus playing with a purple toy.

After the aquarium, we walked the quaint little street and shops by the aquarium and stopped for an afternoon Pinkberry before going to check into our hotel. Our hotel was just a short walk from the downtown boardwalk, so after settling in we headed that direction for dinner. The boardwalk is a bit like a smaller version of Pier 39 and Fisherman’s Wharf in San Francisco.

Monterey Boardwalk

Monterey Boardwalk

Not seeing something that grabbed our attention on the boardwalk, we went back to the downtown drag and found a Chinese restaurant (with the worst plum wine I’ve tasted — it was far more Triaminic than wine, but enjoyable food).

The next day we took a little drive along the coast, stopping to explore Lover’s Point Park in the breezy sun.

Love the man in this picture...and the beach!

Love the man in this picture…and the beach!

We continued on to Asilomar Beach, a recommendation from my good friend Liz who used to live in the area, eating lunch while watching the wind crash the waves against the beach.

Waves crashing against the beach on a windy day at Asilomar Beach.

Waves crashing against the beach on a windy day at Asilomar Beach.

We spent the next 45 minutes walking along the beach, enjoying the scenery and time together, before heading home. It was such a pleasant weekend, although after the time there, I’m not sure I have ever actually been in Monterey before. I was sure I had been there for brunch, to kayak the bay, and to taste wine at a little place overlooking the water (all with Liz), but everything we saw was new to me. So now I’m questioning where in the world I visited when I thought I was in Monterey? I’m happy to report that Monterey was a lovely success, but it helps when you have the best travel companion in the world. Love you, Dan!

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Mom and Dad Sprockett Visit California

We were so excited to have Dan’s parents visit us in California. We’ve been trying to sell them on the visit for more than two years, so our anticipation has been building as the pieces came together and they scheduled to come out to celebrate Dan’s birthday. We picked them up from the airport on Saturday, making our first stop in California for a mid-afternoon Mexican meal and margaritas, followed by relaxing time to catch up on Saturday evening.

It was good to take the first day easy, because we packed it in on Sunday for Dan’s birthday. We started with a stroll through the farmer’s market and brunch at Joannie’s, one of our favorite local restaurants where breakfast is served all day and such a comfortable environment and really yummy foods. Dan and I had been plotting our meal for weeks: a shared combo with one sweet (brioche French toast) and one savory (egg’s Benedict) meal. Mmm, I’m making my mouth water just writing about Joannie’s.

Strolling the Farmer's Market before brunch.

Strolling the Farmer’s Market before brunch.

After a mid-day birthday cake decorating break, we followed brunch with a trip to Picchetti Winery for wine tasting and cheese and crackers picnicking.

Birthday wine tasting.

Birthday wine tasting.

And, because we certainly hadn’t eaten enough, we had dinner out at Rangoon Ruby and teal velvet birthday cake. Yes, teal, because when Dan found out it was only red velvet cake by convention and food coloring, he decided to make it more interesting!

It's Your Birthday.

It’s Your Birthday.

Can you read the label on the beer? It says, "Big Papa."

Can you read the label on the beer? It says, “Big Daddy.”

Monday gave Mom and Dad a bit of a chance to rest, while both Dan and I worked. Although Dan did take them on a tour of campus, so I’m not sure how much resting actually happened.

Memorial Church

Memorial Church

Hoover Tower

Hoover Tower

Picking out some Stanford swag at the bookstore.

Picking out some Stanford swag at the bookstore.

They also spent time enjoying the California sun (Dad was working very hard to take a tan home…or at least to their next stop in Oregon before heading home) before our dinner out at the Peninsula Creamery, a pleasant trip back to a 1950s diner with the largest selection of milkshakes I’ve yet to see.

Tuesday was another day to take it easy, before we split up for evening activities. Mom and I went to the craft store to pick out fabric for a (still in progress) tablecloth while Dan and Dad went to see Condeleezza Rice speak on a Stanford panel about international affairs and a post-panel “debrief” beer at the CoHo.

On Wednesday, we had lunch at a diner in Ghirardelli Square, ice cream sundaes (because it’s pretty much mandatory to do that if you have visitors in town and you go to Ghirardelli) and took a little driving tour of downtown SF and Lombard street.


Chocolate! Ghirardelli Square had changed a bit since they were last there, and it was really just a factory and not the little shopping plaza it has become now.

On the drive home, we learned about the last time Mom and Dad had been to California, more than 40 years ago when Dad was stationed at an Air Force base in Southern California. After dating long distance, Mom had come out for a visit. With one tent, one blanket, and one pillow, they spent the week driving up the coast to San Francisco, camping along the way. And then, in San Francisco, Dad asked Mom to marry him and she said yes. She then returned home to Ohio, and he back to his base. When he visited her a few months later in December, they decided to get married immediately instead of waiting for the summer. [Insert cute “ahhhs” here!]

The end of our almost last day (we couldn’t believe how quickly their visit went!), we had dinner out at one of my favorite Italian restaurants on University Ave and said then goodbye on Thursday, sending them on to the next West Coast family to visit. So the only question is: when are y’all coming back?

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Valentine’s Day 2016

Our first Valentine’s Day together as a couple was nine years ago. Nine?! And nine years ago, Dan and I started a Valentine’s Day tradition to make fancy macaroni and cheese and enjoy our evening at home together, cooking and trying a new recipe. This started from our enjoyment of cooking together, and was also fueled by a desire to challenge the tradition that just because we had been dating for a certain amount of time we were expected to go out to a fancy dinner and Dan had to buy me roses. And truth be told, it was also encouraged by the fact that we started dating as poor graduate students. I’m grateful for this tradition we have built together.

On our first year we started with your traditional baked macaroni and cheese with breadcrumbs on top, had the odd year of Sponge Bob-shaped box mac & cheese (during the year we were busy driving across the country before moving to Australia), and the year I made something up because we were both so tired after a long day of work/class — and with quite a bit of luck that turned into one of Dan’s favorites (the only time I’ve ever fully made up a recipe and had it turn out!).

We now spend a fair bit of time scouring cookbooks, cooking magazines, and the internet for recipes and debating which will be the most delicious new recipe to try. This year’s debate was a vigorous one between enchilada mac & cheese, gnocchi mac & cheese, or, what we ultimately selected, meatball sub mac & cheese. (We had to “knock out the gnocchi” because we already had special heart-shaped pasta that we found in Venice and bought specifically for our Valentine’s Day tradition. We start thinking about this early!)

Heart-shaped pasta from Venice, Italy!

Heart-shaped pasta from Venice, Italy!

Dan cooking the meatballs.

Dan cooking the meatballs.

And here is the delicious final product:

The final yummy product.

The final yummy product, fresh out of the oven — loaded up with extra meatballs.

Happy Valentine’s Day to the love of my life!